16-18 Agreed Change Submission

ACHIEVEMENT TRAINING LIMITED - 1: ESFA RoATP: Approved: Main, Supporting &  Employer Apprenticeship Training Providers - ApprenticeshipsESFA to require reduction in subcontracted activity and introduce a new  subcontracting standard, following sector consultation - GOV.UKPrinting Credits | City College Plymouth Online Store

16-18 Agreed Change submission

Where there are any agreed changes to be made to the Learning Agreement, such as changes to qualification aims these should be formally submitted via this form.

All changes (including learner personal details) must be signed and agreed by all parties (Learner and Training Provider). Where a Supporting Provider is involved in the delivery they can sign on behalf of the training provider.

A form must be completed and signed for every change made.


Please note:

Any change relating to a learner who is linked with a Home School must be agreed and confirmed with the Home School prior to the change taking place. Therefore the change may not be completed with the 3 working day policy. All changes will be communicated through to schools by the MIS 16-18 Coordinator. Once the change has been actioned it will be made available within the 'Learner Online File'.



By signing this form I agree to the above changes being made.

Sign Here
Sign Here