A review, which demonstrates just how ATL Actively Transform Lives

Want to retrain or gain a recognised qualification? Perhaps you’re thinking about expanding your skills or starting a new career? Now could be your opportunity to do it for free!
The Government is offering FREE entry level, level 1 and level 2 courses for those who are employed (including self-employed) and earning less than £17,004* annual gross salary.
You may be also entitled to a FREE course if you:
Achievement Traning remains full open inline with the latest Government guidance on further education. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact your tutor.
ATL Online Learning Code of Conduct (Sep 2020)-1
From Monday 7th September face coverings will be compulsory in internal communal areas at all ATL sites. This will apply to staff, students, visitors, contractors and any other person that attends the centre. Whilst it is assumed persons will already have their own coverings, ATL will maintain a supply of coverings for issue or replacement to those that are in need. Please note, a local or national lockdown could impact on the use of face coverings at ATL sites and we will provide further support and guidance as required.
In the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, a face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth of the wearer and it MUST be worn correctly to carry out its function. Reusable or single-use face coverings are widely available to purchase to support you in your daily life, and we do expect staff and students will already have their own covering. You may also use a tight-woven scarf, bandana, religious garment or hand-made cloth covering but these MUST securely fit round the side of the face.
When to wear a face covering Continue reading “COVID-19: FACE COVERINGS IN CENTRE Information for students, visitors and staff returning in September 2020”
Earlier this month, Apprenticeships and Skills Minister, Gillian Keegan, confirmed that there are no plans to extend the expiry period for employers’ levy funds.
Levy-paying employers (employers with a wage bill in excess of £3million) have a maximum of 24 months to spend any funds that enter their digital account. There has been some discussion about extending the expiry period due to COVID-19 out of concern that employers would lose these funds, however, employers are being encouraged to use these funds by taking advantage of the Government’s Apprenticeship incentive.
Ms Keegan said: “From the point at which funds enter an employer’s account, they already have 24 months in which to spend the funds, and these funds only begin to expire on a rolling, month-by-month basis 24 months after they enter an employer’s account.
“Levy-paying employers can transfer up to 25% of their annual funds to help support Apprenticeship starts in their supply chain or to meet local skills needs. We remain committed to improving the operation of the Apprenticeship levy, and while we recognise the current challenges facing employers, we currently consider that this period is sufficient to give employers time to develop their Apprenticeship programmes and encourage them to create new Apprenticeship opportunities.”
If you have unspent levy funds and wish to support a company in your supply chain, please get in touch by e-mailing customerservice@achievementtraining.com and we can guide you through the process or call, 01752 202264