If you need or want help or any assistance

The tragic death of Bobbi-Anne McLeod is expected to make a significant impact on the community.

If you need or want help or any assistance surrounding the loss of Bobbi-Anne. I am aware that some will be upset and scared due to this tragic incident. For anyone who has learners speaking to them about this incident please be mindful:

That this type of incident is extremely rare
They have already arrested two people in connection with this incident which does indicate that the Police have strong evidence and hopefully have arrested the right people.
They should all be trying to share their concerns and feelings with the families, parents carers as well as ourselves etc.
We need to try and do our best to reassure learners, not cause further panic or upset. If anyone has any concerns regarding what to say to learners please let me know.

  • Further support is available from:
    Anxiety UK – 0344 477 5774
    Frank – 0800 77 66 00
    Give us a shout – 24/7 text service anyone can use if they feel they need to talk to someone text Shout to 85258
    Mind – 0300 123 3393 or text 86463
    NoPanic – 0844 967 4848 (for people who suffer from panic attacks, phobias, OCD and anxiety)
    Samaritans – 116 123.

The hollie guard app is smartphone app that can provide an extra level of protction reccomended by a number of Police forces acreoss the countryhttps://hollieguard.com/

I appreciate that some of you may be personally affected by this very sad news and want you to know that you have our full support.

Many thanks

Paul Ebanks
(Pronouns: He/Him)
Learner Support Manager
DD: 01752202263
Mobile: 07497 413181
Tel: 01752202266
Internal Ext: 63

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