ALS Referral Form - Version 2Additional Learner Support (ALS) ReferralLearning Support is available to meet the costs of putting in place a reasonable adjustment, as set out in Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010, for learners with a learning difficulty or disability where this affects their ability to continue and complete their programme. Learning support can be claimed up to the learning actual end date but only if it is required for this period. Learning support must not be used to deal with everyday difficulties that are not directly associated with the training programme. Learning Support is available for learners undertaking an Apprenticeship or Adult Education Budget funded programme where the learner has been identified as having a learning difficulty and/or disability.Where a Tutor/Assessor believes that their learner requires a reasonable adjustment they must complete this referral form. The referral form will be sent to the relevant Manager who will conduct a diagnostic assessment to ensure that additional support is applied in the most effective manner.Learner First Name:Learner Date of Birth:Learner Surname:Cohort: Adult Education Budget ApprenticeshipPlease provide a description as to why you believe a referral for Additional Learning Support is required:Please select the type of support you believe is required: Pastoral / Behavioural / Well-being Adaptations for delivery Learning Support Assistant Exam concessionsATL Representative Name:Learner Department:- Select -Animal CareBusiness SupportChildcare and EducationEnglish,Maths,ICTHair and BeautyHealth and Social CareOtherATL Representative Email Address:Signature Sign HereSubmit Form