ALS ReviewAdditional Learner Support (ALS) ReviewWhere learners have been allocated additional learner support it is mandatory for a review to take place on a monthly basis. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the original plan of reasonable adjustments is effective and continues to be delivered. Learner First Name:Learner Date of Birth:Learner Department:- Select -Animal CareBusiness SupportChildcare and EducationEnglish,Maths,ICTHair and BeautyHealth and Social CareOtherLearner Surname:Cohort: Adult Education Budget ApprenticeshipPlease select the month in which this review has been completed for:- Select -Aug-21Sep-21Oct-21Nov-21Dec-21Jan-22Feb-22Mar-22Apr-22May-22Jun-22Jul-22Aug-22Sep-22Oct-22Nov-22Dec-22Jan-23Feb-23Mar-23Apr-23May-23Jun-23Jul-23Have reasonable adjustments been in put in place in accordance with the agreed plan for this month? Yes NoIs the current plan in place providing effective support? Yes NoAre any amendments required to the original plan? Yes NoPlease detail changes to the plan required (all changes must be agreed with the learner prior to submission):Please upload evidence of costs incurred (all evidence will be placed in the Learner Online File:Choose File Achievement Training Representative First Name:Achievement Training Representative Surname:Achievement Training Representative Signature: Sign HereSubmit Form