Apprenticeship Agreed Change SubmissionApprenticeship Agreed Change to Training Plan submissionWhere there are any agreed changes to be made to the Training Plan, such as the removal of Functional Skills due to exemption evidence being received or changes to qualification aims these should be formally submitted via this form.All changes (excluding Apprentice personal details) must be signed and agreed by all parties (Apprentice, Employer and Training Provider). Where a Supporting Provider is involved in the apprenticeship delivery they can sign on behalf of the training provider.A form must be completed and signed for every change made. Apprentice First Name:Apprentice Date of Birth:Apprentice Surname:Apprenticeship Programme:Please select the change type agreed: Apprentice Address Apprentice Name Apprentice Contact Number Apprentice Next of Kin Details Change of Qualification Change of Agreed Fee Change of End Point Assessment Organisation Change to Off the Job delivery Plan Change of Tutor/Assessor Change of Start Date Change of Workplace Mentor Removal of QualificationPrevious Name:Updated Name:Name Change EvidenceChoose File Previous AddressNew AddressPrevious Telephone NumberNew Telephone NumberNew Next of Kin Name:New Next of Kin Address:New Next of Kin Telephone Number:Please provide QAN code of qualification that requires changingPlease provide QAN code of new qualification:Please provide reason for change:Will the new qualification require different start and planned end dates? Yes NoPlease provide start date of new qualification:Please provide planned date of new qualification:Please state the qualification(s) that require removing from the Apprenticeship programme:Please state the reasons for removal:Where qualifications are mandatory elements (Such as Functional Skills) please upload evidence of exemption:Choose File New Workplace Mentor name:New Workplace Mentor email:New Workplace Mentor contact number:Please note: The start date can only be changed where a cohort can not be created on the Apprenticeship Service due to funding not being reserved. The new start date should reflect the date in which a cohort can be created. If you have any queries relating to this date please contact the Finance Department on 01752 301407.Original Start Date:New Start Date:Please state the reason for the change in start date (Please note that it may not be possible to amend dates within the previous academic year) :Previous EPAO (as per Commitment Statement):- Select -Accelerate People LimitedBCS, The Chartered Institute for ITCIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply)CIPD (Chartered Institute of Professional Development)City and GuildsInnovate AwardingNCFE / CACHENorthwest Education & Training LimitedSkillsfirst AssessSouth West CouncilsTQUK (Training Qualifications United Kingdom)VTCTNew End Point Assessment Organisation:- Select -Accelerate People LimitedBCS, The Chartered Institute for ITCIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply)CIPD (Chartered Institute of Professional Development)City and GuildsInnovate AwardingNCFE / CACHENorthwest Education & Training LimitedSkillsfirst AssessSouth West CouncilsTQUK (Training Qualifications United Kingdom)VTCTPlease state what days delivery will take place: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday SundayPlease state the times in which delivery will take place: 07:00 - 08:00 08:00 - 09:00 09:00 - 10:00 10:00 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:00 13:00 - 14:00 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00 17:00 - 18:00 18:00 - 19:00 19:00 - 20:00Please state where delivery will take place: Employer Location Achievement Training Limited Direct Training 2 Care Limited ATN Training & Consultancy Limited Apprentice Home Location OtherBy signing below you agree that the change in off the job training will still allow for the minimum 20% requirement to be met. In addition to this it is agreed that the apprentice will not be undertaking their role during the above periods and will be paid as per their contractual agreement. For further information please review the Contract for Services and Apprentice Agreement. If you would like a new copy of these documents please email wbl@achievementtraining.comReason for change of Fee- Select -Recognised Prior Learning (Not identified during initial assessment)Negotiated discount with EmployerAdditional Qualifications / Non-Accredited Training added to programmePrevious Agreed Fee£New Agreed Fee£DeclarationBy signing this form I agree to the above changes being made.Apprentice Signature: Sign HereTutor/Assessor Name:Tutor/Assessor Signature: Sign HereEmployer Name:Employer Signature: Sign HereName of new Tutor/Assessor:Curriculum Manager Name:Effective date of change:Curriculum Manager Signature: Sign HereSubmit Form