AlumniFirst NameLast NameDate of Birth:Phone/MobileEmailDid you complete an Apprenticeship or other study mode Apprenticeship Vocational course Functional SkillsProgramme completed:- Select -Business AdministrationCustomer ServiceHealth CareEarly YearsTeaching and LearningAnimal CareBeauty TherapyNails ServicesHairdressingICTMaths/EnglishTraineeshipManagementHRWarehousingHave your skills improved by completing your course? Yes NoHave you gained work in the sector you trained in? Yes NoFollowing your achievement, have you, found employment, been promoted or received pay rise? Yes NoIf you completed an apprenticeship, would you recommend it as a way into quality employment? Yes NoWhat would your advice be to anyone thinking about doing further study?Is there anything you would like to add regarding your experience of under taking further training? Can we contact you to discuss your answers? Yes NoCan we use your answers on our web page and social media platforms? Yes NoAre you happy for Achievement Training to use your name and programme details? By selecting 'No' Achievement Training will keep your response anonymous. Yes NoUSE AND STORAGE OF DOCUMENTSLearners are responsible for the safety and security of their own portfolios. Any portfolios kept in the workplace must be stored securely. Tutor/Assessors will keep and maintain a Training File for each learner, which are kept securely at Achievement Training (or subcontractor premises) in accordance with the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulations.DATA PROTECTIONFor copies of Achievement Training's Data Protection Policy and/or Document Retention Policy please email or make a request in writing to Compliance and Strategy Manager, Achievement Training Limited, Norwich Union House, 2 St Andrews Court, Plymouth, PL1 1DN. I consent to Achievement Training Limited processing my personal data under Data Protection legislation in accordance with Article 6 with my consent and to process my information, I acknowledge that specific details of processing activities undertaken by ATL is available on the Achievement Training Limited website. By submitting this form I agree to Achievement Training processing the personal data on this form in accordance with prevailing Data Protection legislation. Thank you, your feedback will be used to improve our services to future students.Submit Form