Beauty Central - Learner Exit Form - IQA SubmissionBeauty Central - Learner Exit Form - IQA SubmissionThis form is to be completed by the Beauty Central Tutor/Assessor where a learner a learner's work requires IQA'ing prior to completion/achievement. Please be aware that the learner will remain live within your caseload until the IQA process has been completed and the IQA has sent all of the required evidence to the MIS Department.Please select the Exit Type for the learner:- Select -Completed and AchievedCompleted and Partially AchievedTutor Name:Tutor Email Address:Learner First Name:Learner Surname:Learner Date of Birth:Course Title:Level :- Select -Non-AccreditedEntry Level 1Entry Level 2Entry Level 3Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Start Date:Cohort: Adult Learner (Loan/AEB/Private) Apprenticeship School (6FORM) Study ProgrammeLast date of attendance for programme:Did the learner undertake English? Yes NoDid the learner undertake Maths? Yes NoDid the learner undertake additional aims? Yes NoDid the learner achieve their English aim? Yes NoPlease provide the last date of attendance for English aim:Did the learner achieve their Maths aim? Yes NoPlease provide the last date of attendance for Maths aim:Please provide the QAN code of the additional aim undertaken by the learner:Did the learner achieve this additional aim? Yes NoPlease provide the last date of attendance for the additional aim:Has the apprentice met the minimum 20% off the job training requirement? Yes NoPlease state the number of OTJT hours that are evidenced on eTutor:Did the learner complete their Work Placement? Yes NoPlease provide the last date of attendance for the work placement:Please state the reason why the learner has not met the minimum requirement:PreviousNextDestinationLearner education destination:- Select -Progressing to another programme at ATLTransferring to another training providerProgressing to Higher EducationApprenticeshipNonePlease provide the date in which the learner started their education destination:Learner Employment Destination Working for the same employer (part time) Working for the same employer (full time) Working for a new employer (part time) Working for a new employer (full time) Self Employed Unemployed and undertaking voluntary work Unemployed and looking for work Unemployed and not looking for workPlease provide the date in which the learner started this destination:Work PlacementPlease upload a copy of the learners work placement register:Choose File End Point AssessmentPlease upload evidence of End Point Assessment achievement:Choose File IQA SubmissionPlease provide the details of the IQA responsible for this learner.IQA Name:IQA Email Address:Tutor/Assessor Signature: Sign HereOPTIONAL: If you would like to add any further comments regarding this learner exit please add these here:Would you like to add any additional documents/evidence to this Exit request? Yes NoPlease attach any additional evidence here:Choose File PreviousSubmit Form