Apprenticeship Department Confirmation Return

Department Apprenticeship Confirmation

Apprenticeship Enrolment Form Enrolling Officer Confirmation.

In order for an online form to be processed by the MIS team the Enrolling officer must confirm that they have confirmed that the apprentice meets the requirements of the apprenticeship programme. Please complete all sections below ensuring that the enrolment form code is correct (this can be found in the email subject from the Admission team).

Apprentice Skills Scan

Prior to starting an apprenticeship an apprentice must be thoroughly assessed by the Curriculum Department. This will ensure that the apprentice is eligible to undertake the programme and that a minimum of 12 months delivery will still apply. Any RPL indicated will be applied by the MIS Department and an equal reduction in both training fee and duration will be applied.

Please complete the Skills Scan provided on the Shared Google Drive.

The Skills Scan must take in to account any previously undertaken tasks/duties; work experience; prior knowledge skills and behaviour.

Please upload a PDF copy of the Skills Scan that has taken place, ensuring that the Employer and Apprentice are fully aware of the duration, fee and RPL percentage that has been applied (Rows 107-113).

If you have any queries/issues completing the Skills Scan please contact the MIS Department on 01752 218596.



Off the Job Training Plan

Please outline the plan for the delivery of off the job training (minimum 20%) - Please note delivery of English and Maths aims will not count towards the minimum 20% requirement however this should be included within the plan.

Enrolling Officer Declaration


The Apprenticeship Training Plan and Apprenticeship Agreement must be physically signed prior to (or on) the apprenticeship start date.

Please ensure that the start date you have provided above allows for the allocated Tutor/Assessor to visit and attain these signatures prior to or on the selected date.

Please note: MIS will not be able to process enrolments where the start date supplied is historic or within the next 2 working days. Where this occurs a new start date will need to be arranged with the Employer and a new Department Confirmation will need to be submitted.

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