Rachel Bush, Deputy Manager of the Adult & Children’s services Department gains a Distinction!

Case Studies

Rachel, already a qualified and experienced assessor at level 3, enrolled on the Assessor/Coach standard.

Rachel was our first apprentice to be submitted to gateway and endpoint assessment. Rachel had to participate in two hours of observed practice and present her showcase and discussion. Due to her consistent efforts and professionalism, she obtained a distinction for both elements of the end point assessment and awarded overall grade of Distinction.

The’ assessor’ historically originated from the implementation of vocational competence-based qualifications. The role of the assessor has change since the introduction of apprenticeship standards. The assessor/coach is now a duel professional, using their up-to-date professional knowledge and skills, to support vocational and professional development across the education and training sector. This includes coaching and assessing apprentices, trainees and new recruits within any employer setting, at any level according to their own level of experience and qualifications. Coaching skills are at the heart of apprenticeship standards. All apprentices require effective coaching for prepare for end point assessment, so this is an additional skill, as well as assessing learner’s competence in relation to industry standards, and any mandatory qualifications sitting inside the apprenticeship.

Gaining a Distinction demonstrates the quality and commitment Rachel has

Rachel has worked at ATL since 2015 promoted to deputy ASC manager 2019 – A wonderful achievement, congratulations.