Loan Learner - Relinquish National Skills Fund StatementLoan Learner - Relinquish National Skills Fund Eligibility StatementPlease note the following funding rule applies to any learner who wishes to receive funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency: "24. If a learner chooses to apply for a loan rather than exercising their eligibility to the National Skills Fund level 3 adult offer, either where they have access to funding with you (as under paragraph 21) or, if not, at an alternative provider (paragraph 23) you must make them aware that this may mean that they give up their right to exercise their eligibility to National Skills Fund funding in future and evidence this in their learner file."ESFA Advanced learner loans funding rules: 2023 to 2024 Training Limited do not hold a contract with the Educational Skills Funding Agency for the National Skills Fund and as a result are unable to provide funding for the programme you wish to enrol on. The programme you wish to undertake may be able for funding via an alternative provider, the National Careers Service may be able to advise you on alternative providers available: If you wish to continue enrolling for your programme at Achievement Training Limited you must relinquish your right to exercise your eligibility for National Skills Funding, in order to proceed with this please sign the statement below.By signing this statement I confirm that I have read and understood the above funding rule, in addition to this I confirm that:I wish to relinquish my right to National Skills Funding by taking an Adult Learner Loan to fund this programme. I understand that by taking this Adult Learner Loan that I will be responsible financially for this programme.First NameLast NameLearner Signature: Sign HereSubmit Form