Well being in Plymouth


If you are feeling as if you need some help to improve your mental or physical health, then there are a variety of organisations and groups to help you. Doing something that you love is a great way to start.

Health and Support

One You Clinic
There are a variety of places in the city that you can book a free one to one appointment for health checks, help with stopping smoking, eating well, drinking less and moving more. Checkout their website on  http://www.oneyouplymouth.co.uk and book an appointment or try their online health quiz.

Plymouth Options Anxiety & Depression Service
There is a service that can support you to manage depression, anxiety, stress, OCD, phobias and life pressures. Access the Livewell Southwest website https://www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk/project/plymouth-options-iapt-anxiety-depression-service for online CBT therapy, information about free one hour workshops and accessing counselling. (If you or a loved one is in acute distress, then please contact your GP or other medical services).

LGBT Help and Support
Access information on https://www.thezoneplymouth.co.uk/self-help/young-people/sexual-health-and-relationships/lgbt for groups and organisations in Plymouth, Devon and around the country providing support, information and community for everyone.

Get Active

Get Active With Us
Plymouth has a lot of groups that are designed to encourage you to try a new sport or get back to an old one. Have a look at the website https://www.plymouth.gov.uk/sportandleisure/runninggroups and click on the link, ‘Get active with us’. This will give you a list of sports (not just running groups) that might appeal, from underwater hockey, beginners cycling, adult handball, dancing and bubble fooball (to name a few). The events are all held at the Life Centre in Central Park but the website will then give you links to other sports held in a variety of venues around the City.

Best Foot Forward
If you prefer a gentler way to get fit, walking is a good introduction. The website https://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/walkfinder/best-foot-forward is useful, giving you the nearest location for walking groups. Click on ‘Find a Walk’ on the website and it will ask you for your postcode to suggest your nearest group. Many of the groups meet during the week, but some meet at weekends and not all the walkers are elderly!

Grow Stonehouse
If you like to get back to nature and unwind, the Grow Stonehouse project may appeal. It is a Millfields inspired project funded by the People’s Health Trust. You can find it in Grow Stonehouse, HQ Business Centre, 237 Union Street, Plymouth PL1 3HQ or on Facebook @MillfieldsInspired. There are gardening sessions and ‘cook’n’eat free’ workshops. Get your hands dirty!

Cinnamon Trust
Volunteer as a dog walker and help someone with a much-loved pet who needs to stretch their paws. Dog-walking is a great way to get some exercise, de-stress and help someone at the same time. Look on the Cinnamon Trust website for local pets and their owners https://cinnamon.org.uk/ and click on ‘volunteers’.


If you like the traditional forms of dance, from ballet to jazz to tap, then check out the Dance Shed on https://www.the-dance-shed.co.uk/adult-classes/ . For Latin dance there is Salsa at the Latin Lounge – the first session is free! http://latinloungeplymouth.com/ There are a variety of dance / exercise classes around the City, from Sh’bam, Jazzercise and Clubbercise. Simply choose the one that suits your pocket and your mood!

Mermaid Training/ Free Diving
If you enjoy swimming there are free diving courses locally that can help improve mood and increase fitness https://www.sounddivingplymouth.co.uk/ and there are Mermaid sessions that include free diving in a glittery tail … https://www.mermaidsswimuk.co.uk/

Ford Park Cemetery has a variety of social events to celebrate the living – from wildlife walks, history talks and craft sessions – as well as celebrating the dead. It is a peaceful haven in an increasingly busy world, so for a few minutes of respite, pay a visit https://www.ford-park-cemetery.org/

Tai Chi and Chi Gong
An excellent way to slow down and become mindful – Tai Chi and Chi Gong classes are held throughout the city and are recommended to help you slow down. There are a variety of websites to help you find your nearest class,  https://www.plymouthtaichi.com/