Success of our Study Programme, 16 to 19 year old learners with their GCSE Maths results this year with an over 80% success rate
Case Studies November 30, 2023
The Employment & Progression team are happy to celebrate the success of our Study Programme, 16 to 19 year old learners with their GCSE Maths results this year with an over 80% success rate in the exams that reflects the hard work of the learners, despite the exam board increase of over 20% in the grade boundaries. Amongst our success stories are those of Joseph Fletcher Tartar who completed his ICT course and has now just began an apprenticeship programme with ATL he achieved a very creditable Grade 4 GCSE Maths grade and the highest score amongst this year’s learners. Another success worth a mention is for Maisie Pritchard Jenkins who also achieved her GCSE Maths Grade 4 with the second highest score this year. Maisie is returning to ATL this year to continue her Animal Care studies, which we wish her good luck and best wishes for.
It should be noted that if the pre-Covid grade boundaries were applied as they were in 2019, both Joseph and Maisie would have achieved Grade 5 GCSE, but we are pleased with their success and those of our GCSE maths learners.
Within the Employment and Progression department we are aware that for some of our adult learners we are aware that due to other commitments we needed to offer a more flexible learning package and we have designed a system to allow some flexibility with attendance. Alongside attendance with the department maths tutors offering one to one teaching and coaching we have also offered weekly one to one remote sessions vis Google Hangout and supported with Google Classroom offering a selection of resources and tasks which allows the learner greater flexibility in their learning.
The feedback from one of our learners who has used this flexible system shows the value of this offering.
SG said, I cannot thank you enough for the support, encouragement, and your flexibility to support my learning journey. Without distance learning and your flexibility I would not have been unable to undertake the course due to work commitments. Being provided with the course book upon starting level 2 enabled work to be set work, with time for me to complete prior to our google classroom meetings which we set weekly. To support the books and revision cards you also provided me with worksheets, practice exam papers and specific targeted work for areas I was not as strong or confident in. I would then scan completed work to you to enable you time to mark and then we would work through any incorrect areas during our meetings. Being a visual learner this supported my learning style as I was able to see where I had gone wrong and work problems though with you.
The introduction of google classroom where you were able to upload learning resources such as videos, examples and practice questions was helpful l and provided an easy platform to set work and for the me as the learner to complete
You recognised my tendency to overthink and make things more complicated than they were. You provided solutions and reassurance and always remained calm. Your tips around exam preparation was 100 % and your belief in your students before the exam helped settle nerves and gave me the confidence to go and take the exam and not panic, and any time I had any doubt in my ability I remembered the tips you gave, and the belief you had in me. Maths did not come naturally to me but the way you taught and explained things supported me not to fear it. I wish I had you as my teacher whilst at school as I feel I would have done a lot better than I did.
Robert Miller
Tutor/Assessor – Functional Skills Maths & English
Department: Employment & Progression
Telephone: 01752202266
Direct Telephone: 01752202229