What you can expect As a Learner at ATL?
Once you begin life as a Learner at Achievement Training, expect individual care and respect.
You will experience a course that will be flexible to meet your own individual needs. You will have direct access to your Tutor/Assessor as well as being able to receive help and support from other members of staff within the organisation.
You are always welcome to provide your suggestions and ideas to help support the improvement of your learning experience. ATL staff provide a friendly and relaxed atmosphere where we aim to support you as a person as well as a learner.
You are be provided with access to your coursework outside our actual business hours, which can then be assessed by your Tutor/Assessor, so there are opportunities for you to study in your own home in addition to other more structured learning.
You will have the opportunity to look at all the different course options available at Achievement Training and have the opportunity to meet with learners from other curriculum areas.
We are here to help you feel safe, learn and achieve to your fullest potential. All our staff receive training in Equality/Diversity & inclusion and the safeguarding/protection of adults/young people.
We ensure all staff has access to the appropriate knowledge on topics such as Prevent, mental health, personal safety, county lines and sexual harassment.
Any behaviour leading to you feeling disrespected at the earliest opportunity and there is a no tolerance view on bullying.
You will find staff positive and friendly who are passionate about meeting your needs and feel that if you enjoy your learning it makes for a positive experience for all of us.
We hope you enjoy your time with us as a part of Achievement Training; it could not happen without you.
“Provision offered to all learners in a personalised way to meet their individual needs so that they have a successful learning experience, achieve and progress” – LSIS
Learner support at ATL
The Learner Support team supports the health and well-being of all learners throughout their time with us on anything that may be having a negative impact on their lives. We support all learners and apprentices on a pastoral basis and will do whatever possible to enable you face any challenges you may have in your life.
We are here to specifically to support you with ANY difficulties you may be having in or outside of your life at Achievement Training. We can offer you individual support or signposting to appropriate organisations that help with life challenges such as low self-esteem/confidence, mental health, bullying, housing, financial support drugs or alcohol, health, relationships and sexual health or anything that is affecting you.
We are here to listen to you!
Anything bothering you is worth talking about! There is no issue too big or too small!
Confidentiality can be respected as long as no one is at risk of harm.
For further information or support contact:
Paul Ebanks: Learner Support Manager
Office: 01752 202263 /Mobile: 07497 413181 paulebanks@achievementtraining.com
Safeguarding in the further education system comes from a deep commitment to place you at the centre of our concerns, and to build around the learner those policies, practices and procedures they need to succeed.
We are committed to the well-being and safety of our learners, staff and visitors. Please help us to keep everyone safe. We ask you to be mindful of behaviours, actions and decisions whilst at Achievement Training.
Achievement Training safeguarding officers
Paul Ebanks (Designated Safeguarding Lead): Tel 01752 202262 Mobile 07497 413181
Email paulebanks@achievementtraining.com safe@achievementtraining.com
Linda Friend: (Safeguarding officer) Tel 01752 211051
Jackie Vincent: (Safeguarding officer) Tel 01752 218590
The Learner Voice
Your views!
Achievement Training learner voice aims to represent the diversity of all its Learners. We will provide a safe place for you to air your views regarding your personal learning experience. We aim to provide a place to come together with your peers where you can help shape the future of your own learning as well as to have a positive impact on all of those who access Achievement Training including the ATL staff, future learners of ATL, schools and partner organisations.
The most important part of Achievement training is you, and we need your ideas and suggestions. We also would like you to tell us about your positive experiences whilst you have been in learning to help us improve the service we provide.
There are many different ways to make yourself heard:
- ATL social media
- Email, Phone or text
- Talking to your Tutor/Assessor
- Accessing Learner support on a confidential basis in person, by text or email.
- Joining in on the teaching group Learner forum sessions that are held during each academic year
Examples of improvements that have been made with the ideas and suggestions from the learner voice.
“Learners have identified feeling included, instilling a sense of self-worth in knowing that their opinion is valued, giving learners confidence for later life as it will allow them to believe in their own opinions, learners will feel empowered by the knowledge that they’ve contributed to their organisations decision making, feeling of being valued, showing learners the impact they can have and how they can take control of their futures and lastly that is benefits the whole company and community”
Taken from http://studentvoice.co.uk/
We believe that you have the right to an inclusive environment and find that learners that take ownership of their learning have a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
You should be able to have your say in your education and if you speak, we will listen.
For further information, please contact:
Paul: Learner Support Manager
Telephone: (01752) 202266
Direct Telephone: (01752) 202263
Mobile: 07497 413181
Email: paulebanks@achievementtraining.com