Apprenticeship Enrolment Form (Apprentice - Part 2)

Apprenticeship Enrolment Form


To undertake an Apprenticeship, THE Apprentice MUST meet the individual and funding eligibility requirements. These general requirements are listed below. We may ask for supplementary evidence when making eligibility decisions:

The Apprentice must meet any course specific entry requirements – for more information please contact the relevant Curriculum Department.

The Apprentice must be in paid employment for at least 30 hours a week - unless otherwise agreed with Achievement Training in advance.

Apprentices cannot be self-employed however can be employed with a zero hour contract.

The Apprentice must be a UK or EU citizen or have a legal right to be in UK and have been a resident for the three years preceding your course start date. If you are the spouse or dependant of an EU citizen, you may also be entitled to funding, please contact us for more information.

The Apprentice  must not be currently undertaking another Apprenticeship programme.

All Apprentices must spend at least 50% of their working hours in England.




Apprentice Personal Details

The details you provide will form Part 2 of the apprenticeship enrolment process. Part 1 has already been completed by your employer including the programme details. Upon completion your details will be merged with the Employer application and the relevant Curriculum Department will be contact to discuss progression.

If you have selected yes, use the link here to apply for the Apprenticeship care leaver bursary. Care leaver bursary

Previous qualifications / Experience

Please detail any qualifications you have previously attained.

Employment Details

Next of Kin details

Apprenticeship Commitment Statement

Please read the below and tick to confirm you have read and understood the content held within the Commitment Statement.

Commitment Statement

In line with ESFA Funding Rules, the Employer and Lead Provider must make sure that the commitment to successful completion of the Apprenticeship is set out in writing for the Apprentice. The commitment statement must be signed by the Apprentice, their Employer and the Lead Provider, and all three parties must keep a current signed and dated version on record.

Details regarding the planned content and schedule of training (including end point assessment for apprenticeship standards) can be located on the enrolment form and learning agreement. Copies of the learning agreement will be sent to Employers and Apprentices upon signing.

Commitment Statement - Roles and Responsibilities of the Apprentice

  • To observe the Employer’s terms and conditions of employment and Apprenticeship Agreement

              In particular:

  • To be diligent and punctual at all times.
  • To wear any uniform provided by the employer or where no uniform is provided to ensure that suitable smart attire is worn
  • To be respectful of colleagues, Employers, teaching staff in accordance with the Lead Provider, the Provider and work-place policies.
  • To attend courses, study time, keep records, undertake assessments and take part in and contribute to the review process.
  • To negotiate achievable learning targets in conjunction with Assessors, Tutors and Employer, and to undertake to achieve these objectives and outcomes within an agreed timescale
  • To keep the Employer informed of progress towards these objectives.
  • To notify the Employer and the Training Provider as soon as possible, of non-attendance at either scheduled training sessions, reviews or other planned meetings
  • To inform the Employer and the Training Provider of any health issues which may affect their learning
  • To notify the Employer and the Training Provider of any change of circumstances.
  • At all times to behave in a safe and responsible manner, in accordance with the requirements of Health and Safety Legislation.

Commitment Statement - Roles and Responsibilities of the Employer

  • To employ and pay the Apprentice in accordance with agreed employment terms and conditions and taking into account relevant legislation.
  • Provide the Apprentice with an Apprenticeship contract and contract of employment within 13 weeks of their start date.
  • Confirm that the Apprentice is employed for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
  • Confirm that the Apprentice’s job: “allows the Apprentice to gain the wider employment experience required by the Apprenticeship standard and that they are able to complete all elements of the Apprenticeship within their contracted working hours.”
  • Confirm that the intention at the start of the Apprenticeship, there is available time for the Apprentice, of any age, time off to study within working day, to be able to complete the Apprenticeship programme.
  • To fund educational trips or trips to professional events which have been agreed with the employer and are not specific in the Apprenticeship standard or assessment plan.
  • To provide appropriate supervision to support, encourage and monitor the Apprentice in the workplace including:
  • Provision of a nominated mentor and deputy to ensure continuity of supervision.

All responsibilities are clearly outlined in more detail in the Learning Agreement and Contract for Services

Commitment Statement - Roles and Responsibilities of Achievement Training Limited

  • To create an Apprentice’s individualised learning record (ILR) and record their learning start date and agreed price for training and assessment
  • To provide an appropriate individual training plan for the Apprentice, in consultation agreed criteria for Apprenticeships and to meet the Employer’s needs.
  • To provide the training via a Skills Funding Agency approved Provider
  • To ensure that the training meets the requirements set out in the Contract between the Lead Provider, the Provider and the Skills Funding Agency.
  • To appoint suitably qualified assessors/teachers to undertake training of the Apprentice
  • To advise the Apprentice and Employer of contact details for nominated assessors, tutors and support staff responsible for the relevant training programme.
  • To ensure Employer Contribution payments are collected and recorded on the Apprentice’s ILR and that there are no delays with the processing of any incentive payments which the employer is eligible to receive
  • To monitor the Quality Assurance of the delivery by the Training Provider through regular meetings, audits and observations of teaching, learning and assessment and provide support and guidance.
    • To be responsible for resolving any issues or disputes between the Employer, Lead Provider and the Training Provider including details of how to escalate with lead provider organisation and/or SFA through apprenticeship helpline.
    • To reserve the right to ‘recover sums from the Employer in the event the Employer is in breach of the funding rules’.

    All responsibilities mentioned are clearly outlined in more detail in the Learning Agreement and Contract for Services

Commitment Statement - Working Together

The Employer and Apprentice will work together with the Training Provider’s representatives to ensure that the Apprentice has the best chance to achieve.

Commitment Statement - Resolving Problems

All issues between the Employer and Apprentice will be addressed through the Employer’s HR department. Any further mediation will be conducted by the Training Provider

Any issues between the Employer/Apprentice and the Training Provider will be addressed through the complaints and appeals procedure as identified in the Employer Training Agreement.

Contact Preferences

The European Social Fund (ESF) Managing Authority (or agents acting on it's behalf) may contact you in order for them to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of training. The DfE Provacy Notice is available to view here.

By signing this document you confirm that to the best of your knowledge the information contained within this document is correct and accurate.

Document Uploads

In order for your application to be processed, please provide the following documents;
Proof of ID – (Example: Passport or Driving Licence)