Home schooled | Graduate, Rose inspires others to see the value of applying for Apprenticeships

After graduating university in 2019, I was unsure of what direction to take for my career. Having been formerly homeschooled and with little job experience I felt that I lacked the skills needed to be successful in any long term career and felt that my lack of experience would make it difficult to gain entry into any career pathway.

I worked in retail for the next year and a half as I needed income, but had no real plan of what to do with my future. I was struggling to make a career from my degree in Illustration as I was lacking in confidence, and felt that I had no real viable career prospects.

A friend suggested apprenticeships to me as a way of gaining entry into a career pathway without necessarily having much experience. I was doubtful as I felt that at 30 years old I was outside of the age bracket apprenticeships were created for. However, after doing some research I began to see how an apprenticeship could be a really valuable way of starting a career in business even with my circumstances. I was really interested in the opportunity to grow my knowledge and skills in a professional setting under guidance while still working and earning.

I began applying to several apprenticeships for business administration, and was soon offered an interview with Achievement Training. During the interview I felt very at ease, and could envision myself working there easily.

Soon after my interview I was offered a trial shift and was offered the job on the same day. I was really excited as this was the apprenticeship I had been hoping to get ever since I saw the advertisement. Shortly afterwards I joined the Business and Marketing department as a Level 3 business administration apprentice.

I have been working at Achievement Training for six months now and during this time I feel that I have really grown. My line manager Tracy supports me through all my responsibilities and helps me to develop my understanding of my role while providing me with opportunities to improve and keep learning. I have been able to continually grow in my abilities and confidence under her guidance.

I would highly recommend apprenticeships to anybody who may be looking for a new start to their career. My apprenticeship has given me the perfect opportunity to begin my career in business, and by the time my apprenticeship is completed I feel confident that the knowledge and skills I have developed will serve as a springboard to help me move into a successful profession.

The Benefits of Working in Healthcare

If you’re passionate about helping people and making a difference in their lives, working in health care can be one of the most rewarding career choices there is. The industry already employs over 1.4 million people.

Great Job Satisfaction; Working in the healthcare industry allows you to nurture your desire to help others while earning a living, talk about a win-win! Indeed, there are few professions where you can touch the lives of others—and make a difference in them—the way you can in the healthcare industry.

The healthcare industry offers many compelling careers. You could help save a life or help bring a new one into the world. You can care for patients as they recover, assist families through some of the most difficult times in their lives, or work behind the scenes to keep a medical facility running smoothly. Regardless of your specific role in the industry, you’ll play some part in helping people, or even entire communities, and positively affect their lives as a result.

Great Prospects; As a healthcare professional, this means you’ll enjoy more career opportunities and find employment more easily than job seekers in other industries. Your chances of finding employment and staying employed are also much greater than in other fields, thanks to advances in medicine and the dramatic growth of the aging UK population, which continues to increase.

If you’re looking for an exciting and fast-paced career, the healthcare industry may be right for you. There are many different kinds of jobs in healthcare, each with its own unique set of responsibilities. Learning about the different types of jobs available in healthcare and the salary and outlook for each can help you evaluate whether a career in healthcare is for you.

Fulfilling work; Healthcare workers spend their time making a difference in others’ lives, which can increase their motivation and overall job satisfaction.

Above-average earning potential; Many careers in the healthcare industry offer an above-average salary, especially when you work in hospitals or for government organizations.

Stimulating work environment; Most healthcare professionals experience a fast-paced workday within a continually changing atmosphere.

Variety of career opportunities; There are a wide variety of different career options within the healthcare industry, and many professionals can even change their positions multiple times to try different things before deciding on a specialty.

Opportunity to travel; Healthcare professionals are in demand around the world, from large cities to developing communities, giving candidates the opportunity to explore new parts of the world while earning a great income and helping citizens globally.

Positions at all educational levels; There are hundreds of positions available in healthcare, whether you have GCSEs, A levels, a bachelor’s degree or a medical degree.

Flexible schedules; Lots of people need help from medical professionals day and night. Healthcare offers a flexible work schedule, including the option to work overnights, short work weeks or even remotely.

Just click the link to enroll onto one of our Health and Social care courses – Starting from L1 up to L5

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See how our students have benefitted from learning with us

Prevent and Safeguarding

Safeguarding is an extremely important resource when it comes to the protection of people who may be especially vulnerable or at risk of harm. Safeguarding refers to all action taken to promote the welfare of young people and adults to protect them from harm. With this in mind, having the correct training in safeguarding procedures is an extremely valuable skill for

all employees, as it protects both staff and customers alike.

Protecting a person’s health, wellbeing and their human rights enables them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect. When appropriate safeguarding measures are put in place this creates a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued regardless of race, age, gender or sexual orientation.

Four of the main reasons why safeguarding is so important are:

Abuse, harassment and harm can happen to anyone. It’s not always visible, so it’s important to the signs in order to stop harm from progressing
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We all have a duty of care to one another, so when harm is identified we all have a duty to do something about it
Understanding and applying safeguarding procedures helps to makes an organisation trustworthy and safe
When safeguarding is well understood and applied within an organisation, people who are vulnerable and have nowhere else to turn are protected and feel they have someone to turn to

Knowing what to look for is vital to the early identification of abuse and neglect. When staff are trained in safeguarding, they become aware of indicators of abuse and neglect, including exploitation, so that they are able to identify cases of people who may be in need of help or protection When people at risk receive the help they need at the right time, it enables risks to be addressed and prevents issues from escalating further.

The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. To prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.

Intelligence indicates that a terrorist attack in our country is ‘highly likely’. Experience tells us that the

  • threat comes not just from foreign nationals but also from terrorists born and bred in Britain. It is
  • therefore vital that our counter-terrorism strategy contains a plan to prevent radicalisation and stop
  • would-be terrorists from committing mass murder. Osama bin Laden may be dead, but the threat from Al Qa’ida inspired terrorism is not.

The Prevent strategy, published by the Government in 2011, is part of our overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. In the Act this has simply been expressed as the need to “prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”.

The 2011 Prevent strategy has three specific strategic objectives:

  • respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it
  • prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support
  • work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address.

In complying with the duty all specified authorities, as a starting point, should demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the risk of radicalisation in their area, institution or body. This risk will vary greatly and can change rapidly; but no area, institution or body is risk free. Whilst the type and scale of activity that will address the risk will vary, all specified authorities will need to give due consideration to it.

There are three themes throughout the sector-specific guidance, effective leadership, working in partnership and appropriate capabilities.


For all specified authorities, we expect that those in leadership positions:

  • estalish or use existing mechanisms for understanding the risk of radicalisation
  • ensure staff understand the risk and build the capabilities to deal with it
  • communicate and promote the importance of the duty; and
  • ensure staff implement the duty effectively.

Working in partnership

Prevent work depends on effective partnership. To demonstrate effective compliance with the duty, specified authorities must demonstrate evidence of productive co-operation, in particular with local Prevent co-ordinators, the police and local authorities, and co-ordination through existing multi-agency forums, for example Community Safety Partnerships.


  • Frontline staff who engage with the public should understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it. They need to be aware of what we mean by the term “extremism” and the relationship between extremism and terrorism (see section B, above).
  • Staff need to know what measures are available to prevent people from becoming drawn into terrorism and how to challenge the extremist ideology that can be associated with it. They need to understand how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences.
  • All specified authorities subject to the duty will need to ensure they provide appropriate training for staff involved in the implementation of this duty. Such training is now widely available.

Emma tells us all about her experience of choosing an apprenticeship

After leaving Hele’s school in 2018 after completing my GCSE, I was unsure what career I wanted to pursue. With this in mind, I decided to take the opportunity of doing a course with Achievement Training in my interest at the time which was Beauty Therapy. I first enrolled on the L2 Diploma Beauty Therapy,  Nail Technology and then progressed on to the diploma in Reflexology in my second year.  I was also gaining work experience and earning a wage with a part time sales assistant role in a big department store.

On completion of my course, I then decided that I wanted to move to Full-time employment but after having work experience in a few salons I didn’t feel as if I would enjoy working in the beauty industry. However, I did learn beneficial skills in my course which I could take to any job role. I started to apply for Apprenticeships on the Government Find an apprenticeship site in the business sector after being inspired by my dad who runs a successful business.  I was soon invited into  Achievement Training who luckily for me were recruiting staff within the business and marketing team. I was selected for an interview and offered the job the next day, as a Level 3 business administrator apprentice.
I am over half way into my apprenticeship, I have been given so many opportunities to gain new skills. By starting this apprenticeship I have been able to work and learn at the same time which has helped me increase my confidence over the last few months in my job role. I have been offered a lot of support so far especially by my manager Tracy who has given me a great deal of knowledge as well as training to support my development and the quality of my work. I am positive that an apprenticeship was the best route for me and I am looking forward to growing my skills in the remainder of my Apprenticeship.

Building skills has never been more important

The business world is changing faster than ever, which means skills are going out of date faster too. The average shelf life of a skill is now less than 5 years, so if people want to keep up with the competition, they have to be ready to learn new skills, fast.

What this means for businesses is upskilling. Companies can’t continuously recruit new staff to fill their skills gap. In today’s competitive market, there’s not enough talent to go round, and the cost of recruiting new staff is far from cost-effective. The only way for businesses to stay on top of this pace of change is to retain and train their existing employees.

The good thing is employees want to learn. Training at work is no longer a chore – technology has made learning relevant, rewarding and instant. And staff today (especially millennials) are more motivated by the opportunity to learn new skills than by perks, swanky office space or even money. They know how crucial skills are for their career development and are desperate to learn, grow and keep up with their peers.

So if businesses need skills and staff want to learn, the solution is simple – businesses just need to find an effective, efficient way to upskill their workforce.

General Benefits from Employee Training and Development

There are numerous sources of online information about training and development. Several of these sites suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct training among employees. These reasons include:

  • Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees
  • Increased employee motivation
  • Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
  • Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
  • Increased innovation in strategies and products
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics training!)
  • Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training
  • Benefits of Training to Employees and Employers

Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of training to employees are not limited exclusively to the employees themselves.  Research having shown time and time again how businesses that invest heavily in employee training tend to be the more successful and prosperous businesses.

One of the most common mistakes made by employers is assuming initial employee training alone is sufficient.  That just as soon as mandatory introductory job training is complete, there’s no real need for any further investment in training.

In reality, the benefits of training and development in an organisation are ongoing.  As an employee, training and development provides you with the opportunity to progress through the ranks.  From an employer’s perspective, training and development is all about building the strongest and most capable workforce for the benefit of the entire organisation.

The problem being that employers and employees alike often leave it to someone else to take the initiative and make it happen.

8 Key Benefits of Training to Employees and Employers

To view an investment in employee training as an unnecessary expense is to completely miss the mark.  Irrespective of the costs, you’re actually making an investment in the long-term prosperity of your entire business.  Whether you have a staff-force of 500 or just 5 employees, the importance of ongoing training and development cannot be overstated.

Now more than ever, gaining access to quality online training programs at affordable prices has never been easier.  By making employee training and development a priority for your organisation, you stand to reap the rewards sooner than you might think.

The following representing just eight examples of the limitless benefits of training and development in any organisation:

  1. Motivation

You cannot expect even the most committed employees to remain motivated, without demonstrating your commitment to their success.  Every time you provide an employee with the opportunity to build new skills and knowledge, you make a direct contribution to their future.  It’s no secret that a motivated workforce is also a productive, efficient and loyal workforce.  The more you put in by way of training and development, the more you can expect to get out as a result.

  1. Respond to industry changes

It’s also worth remembering that whatever sector you happen to be in, things are probably changing and evolving at their fastest-ever pace.  If you want your employees and your business to remain up to date with the latest industry changes, you need to provide ongoing training and development opportunities.  To allow your employees’ skills and knowledge to stagnate is to run the risk of quickly becoming unviable.

  1. Improved retention rates

Provide your employees with everything they need to achieve their full potential and they’ll reward you with their loyalty.  By contrast, give them the impression they’re hitting a dead-end and they won’t hesitate to seek alternative employment.  The training and development opportunities you provide could dramatically impact your employee retention rates.

  1. Promote from within

It’s always exponentially cheaper and easier to promote from within.  Rather than searching high and low for external candidates with the skills and knowledge required, why not help your existing employees build the same skills and knowledge?

  1. Outperform the competition

This applies to both employees and employers alike.  As an employee, taking part in training and developmental opportunities can help ensure you stand out from the crowd when pursuing higher-level positions.  For the employer, investing in a talented and capable workforce provides the business with every opportunity to outperform its competitors.

  1. Job satisfaction

The level of job satisfaction felt by any employee will directly affect their motivation, productivity, loyalty and future outlook.  Once again, you cannot expect employees to work to their full potential, if they don’t feel happy and satisfied in their work.  As an employer, it’s your job to provide your employees with every reasonable opportunity to enjoy their work and take pride in what they do.

  1. Quality and consistency

Ongoing training can also be a great way of ensuring every member of the workforce is up to the same standard, in terms of their skills, knowledge and so on.  Consistency is important, as it’s never particularly motivating for employees to see others excelling and progressing, far more rapidly than themselves.  All employees should be provided with adequate training and development opportunities – not only those with the highest aptitude.

  1. Attract new talent

If looking to attract the best possible talent to your business, you need to ensure you’re offering the right incentives.  Businesses that invest heavily in the success of their employees never fail to attract new talent at the highest level.  When quality candidates search for available positions, provision of training programs tends to be a high priority.

In a Nutshell…

Once again, it’s simply a case of acknowledging the mutual benefits that accompany training and development in an organisation.  For the ambitious employee, quality training programs hold the key to limitless career advancement.  For proactive employers, it’s all about building and retaining the strongest possible teams.

Irrespective of the size and nature of the business, ongoing employee training and development should be considered mandatory.

For more information on any of our courses or to discuss your requirements in more detail, reach out to a member of the staff in the admissions support team today.

Traineeship feedback

Another young person gains employment after support from the ATL Traineeship department, We just love a success story don’t you?

“Georgia has just finished with us and managed 88% in her maths and 100% in her ECDL. I am really pleased for her because she came here not knowing what she wanted to do. Now in full-time employment with the NHS. “( Rita)

A testimonial from Georgia May “Achievement training has really been the best thing that happened to me I was struggling a lot at the start of the year not knowing where I was going in life but since joining and having a dedicated tutor right there helping me has been the best thing for me I have completed two courses and passed both and I then went on to get my maths which I never thought was possible, if it wasn’t for my tutor I would not have been able to do it. Achievement Traning really is the best place.”

Georgia-may Gough – January 2022

“Achievement Training has helped me in just less than 6 months to find a job! I
completed work experience and my training advisor Rita helped me a lot and she was always
there to answer any queries I had”

Phoebe Elliott

“The traineeship not only improved my day-to-day work organisation but also challenged
me to think differently which helped to broaden my mind”  I am now progressing with Achievement Training to the next level in Maths and have a full time job.

Ruben Potts

“I have recently been employed as a business administration apprenticeship working in an office for a training company. I gained this post after completing a Traineeship programme. I would highly recommend a Traineeship, it gave me the chance to get some real experience of working in an office and gain some of the skills I would need to find employment when I attended job interviews I was able to talk about my experience which gave me loads of confidence.”


“Before the Traineeship, I had no direction in my career prospects, but now I have improved my skills, my maths and English grades have improved and I have almost completed a Level 2 Health and Social Care course with the prospect of starting a placement soon. My goal now is to go to university and become a Social Worker.”


Lydia goes from Strength to Strength and gains a post with a 10K pay increase, well done! With an Apprenticeship there really is no limit.

I started my journey with Achievement Training in 2018 as an Apprentice in the Business Development and Admissions department. This opportunity came at the perfect time for me, as I really wanted to return to education and gain new qualifications to help me progress in my future career. I came to ATL to get some careers advice and following sending them my CV and meeting the team, they offered me the chance to attend a trial day. I started my apprenticeship in June and spent the next year working to gain my Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship qualification.  I could never have succeeded in gaining a Distinction in my apprenticeship, without the support of my line manager, Tracy. Tracy has 20 years of experience and working as her apprentice taught me all of the skills and knowledge I would need in my future career. Having a teacher like Tracy also gave me the confidence to believe in my own abilities. 

Since finishing my apprenticeship in the summer of 2019, I have gone on to become a full time member of staff within the Business Development department, taking on new challenges and responsibilities. Working alongside some amazing people including Tracy, Penelope and Charlotte and the whole Admin team has boosted my confidence even more and I really benefited from staying and gaining as much experience as I could after completing my Apprenticeship. The last three years have given me a great foundation to build upon for my future and I cannot thank the amazing team at Achievement Training enough for the start they have given me. I am now moving on to a new challenge and cannot wait to see what the future has in store. 

If you need career advice, or want to know more about apprenticeships and what courses may be available to you, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Achievement Training, they will help you start your career journey!

Charlotte Knight moves into a great job following her completion of the L3 Business Administration apprenticeship as a mature student.

When both my children were settled in secondary school and after working in Education for 10 years, I decided it was time to pursue a career in business. Business had always been an interest of mine but I had very little knowledge or experience.

I looked at options that were best suited to my own personal circumstances. Apprenticeships seemed to be the perfect choice. I found a website called Find an Apprenticeship. Apprenticeships were something I was very interested in, to be able to gain experience, knowledge, obtain a qualification and grow in confidence all while being in paid employment.

I was worried that I was to old to to be an apprentice as I always assumed they were for 16-24 year olds.

However I began applying for vacancies that were of interest to me. I found one with Achievement Training. I had already been a student here gaining my Support Teaching and Learning qualification, so the center felt familiar.

When I was selected for interview, I was made to feel at ease regarding my age and all my concerns were dealt with.

When I was selected for the role as the admin apprentice within the admissions, apprentices and marketing office, I knew instantly I had made the right choice. My line manager Tracy Barnes has supported me throughout my qualification, she has been the best mentor allowing me to grow and develop as well as learn from my mistakes. She has given me constructive criticism when needed and praise also, all of these things have helped my ability and confidence.

Tracy has been truly fantastic, patient and understanding, especially when it comes to any personal time needed with my children and in supporting me completely with any course work or tasks that needed to be ticked off regarding my qualification.

I would highly recommend apprenticeships and Achievement Training to anyone, including my own children when the times comes.

Since gaining a distinction on her Level 3 Apprenticeship, Charlotte gained a job at Plymouth Community Homes as a full-time administrator, she loves her new job and has recently been promoted to a senior administrator.

Rachel Bush, Deputy Manager of the Adult & Children’s services Department gains a Distinction!

Rachel, already a qualified and experienced assessor at level 3, enrolled on the Assessor/Coach standard.

Rachel was our first apprentice to be submitted to gateway and endpoint assessment. Rachel had to participate in two hours of observed practice and present her showcase and discussion. Due to her consistent efforts and professionalism, she obtained a distinction for both elements of the end point assessment and awarded overall grade of Distinction.

The’ assessor’ historically originated from the implementation of vocational competence-based qualifications. The role of the assessor has change since the introduction of apprenticeship standards. The assessor/coach is now a duel professional, using their up-to-date professional knowledge and skills, to support vocational and professional development across the education and training sector. This includes coaching and assessing apprentices, trainees and new recruits within any employer setting, at any level according to their own level of experience and qualifications. Coaching skills are at the heart of apprenticeship standards. All apprentices require effective coaching for prepare for end point assessment, so this is an additional skill, as well as assessing learner’s competence in relation to industry standards, and any mandatory qualifications sitting inside the apprenticeship.

Gaining a Distinction demonstrates the quality and commitment Rachel has

Rachel has worked at ATL since 2015 promoted to deputy ASC manager 2019 – A wonderful achievement, congratulations.

Jamie – Nursery Apprentice

Jamie started her NVQ level 2 apprenticeship in children and young peoples workforce in January 2020.

When Jamie first started with me, she was very shy and nervous. However, she made good progress very quickly, learning how to communicate and engage with the little ones in our care. Jamie soon started planning fun and engaging, yet age appropriate activities based on the interest of our children, interacting where she thought appropriate and observing them carefully. Unfortunately just as she got going, the coronavirus pandemic hit and we were put into lockdown. During the lockdown, Jamie was on furlough, she used the time effectively, continuing with her coursework, completing online training and doing research. Upon her return in July, she came back enthusiastic, confident and ready to continue her learning whilst working.

Jamie completed her NVQ level 2 in January 2021, she is now a caring, confident and competent level 2 practitioner with so much potential for her future! Jamie has decided to continue with her training and has now started on her NVQ level 3 in early years education. We can’t wait to see how she will develop in this next phase of her career.

Warm regards,

Janique – Employer